Surprise roadtrip Esther (aftermovie)

Esther was surprised for her 40th birthday with a 6-day surprise road trip! She drove through Europe in a motorhome for almost a week. Every day she met a new friend, with whom she had an adventure. It was a road trip full of surprises and with a romantic ending on her birthday. When she came home after 6 days she thought she would arrive in an empty house, but nothing is as it seems this road trip...

Watch what Esther experienced these 6 days in the video below. (3 minutes)

Would you like to organize a surprise road trip for a friend, loved one or colleague? Learn how we can make a custom-made road trip for you.

About us

We’re a full service event agency with a passion for surprises. We organize small-scale, tailor-made events all over the world! Whether it’s a teambuilding activity for collegues, a surprise birthday party, a surprise roadtrip for an wedding anniversary, a or just any creative idea that needs a surprise element, we’re there for you.

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