Surprise roadtrip Esther (aftermovie)

Esther was surprised for her 40th birthday with a 6-day surprise road trip! She drove through Europe in a motorhome for almost a week. Every day she met a new friend, with whom she had an adventure. It was a road trip full of surprises and with a romantic ending on her birthday. When she came home after 6 days she thought she would arrive in an empty house, but nothing is as it seems this road trip...

Watch what Esther experienced these 6 days in the video below. (3 minutes)

Would you like to organize a surprise road trip for a friend, loved one or colleague? Learn how we can make a custom-made road trip for you.

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At Breakout Bandits we challenge you to go outside with your team, friends or family, get to know each other better and experience an adventure together. We do this in the form of games and adventures that stimulate, connect and make you wonder. In this way we try to make the world a bit more beautiful. We work in a social way and in this way make the world a more beautiful place. Curious how? Then read more about us.

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