Impactvolle games

Impactful games and adventures that stimulate, connect and amaze

We love to excite and connect people and are happy when participants are amazed by something they experience during our games and adventures. Our day is a success when colleagues, classmates, families, or groups of friends get to know each other better and grow closer. As far as we are concerned, this can go much deeper than you might normally be used to during a team building or during an activity on a family day.

We offer games in which you as a team are stimulated to grow closer together in a very accessible way, such as with Capture The Flag of Paparazzi On The Run. We can go a step further and personalize the questions in such a way that they get students thinking about citizenship education or have teams answer questions about their ideals, examples, and dreams. Thus, let people discover that they are more connected to each other than they think. But it can also be immersive with a focus on wonder, such as during one of our tailor-made Surprise Roadtrips. We take one person who is having a birthday, is retiring, is saying goodbye, or perhaps has had a difficult year in a beautiful adventure.

We believe that if you really get to know each other better, there is better cooperation, there is more understanding for each other, the conversations during lunch become more meaningful, there is more concern for each other… We believe that if you experience an adventure in which all when your colleagues, friends or family put you in the spotlight, it does something to you, deep inside. And so it may be that one of our games or adventures contributes to making the world a little more beautiful.

Would you like to know more about us? View our games and adventures for companies and private individuals or read more about how we work in a social way.

About us

At Breakout Bandits we challenge you to go outside with your team, friends or family, get to know each other better and experience an adventure together. We do this in the form of games and adventures that stimulate, connect and make you wonder. In this way we try to make the world a bit more beautiful. We work in a social way and in this way make the world a more beautiful place. Curious how? Then read more about us.

Follow us

Read all about our adventures running Breakout Bandits in our blog or follow us on your favorite social media.