What will they do?
This adventure is completely customizable, so every participant will do something different. To give an impression of how an “escape room on wheels” might look, we would like to introduce the imaginary couple John (45) and Cynthia (43). They are married for 20 years. Their kids wanted to give them an unforgettable experience for their 20th wedding anniversary. John and Cynthia love to travel, specifically in a camper. They live in The Netherlands and frequently rent a camper to travel through Europe. Their kids would love them to experience a romantic trip down memory lane in a cute, little camper.
Day 1

John and Cynthia already know for a few weeks that today will be a special day. During a small celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary their kids surprised them with a mysterious little envelope. It only contained a small card, saying: “Pack some clothes and a toothbrush. Wait exactly 3 weeks for further instructions.”
Today is the day. John and Cynthia are still sleeping when someone rings their doorbell. John opens the door, but he doesn’t see anyone. When he looks closer, he is surprised. A cute little camper is parked in front of his house. He immediately calls Cynthia.
One minute later 2 confused people stare at a camper in their pajamas. “Should we go in?” It turns out the camper is opened. It’s fully packed with fresh food, drinks and snacks. The bed is made, the tank is fully loaded and a they find a key in the lock to start the camper. They could just drive off, but where to go?
After looking around in a daze for a few minutes they hear a phone ringing in one of the cabinets. It’s a smartphone which automatically opens a special app with a message: “Hi John and Cynthia, are you ready for a ride? The next 2 days you will have one mission: find out what is hidden in this camper. To find out, you will visit places that have been special for you during the last 20 year. Every location you will visit will bring you closer to finding the present.” John jumps behind the wheel when the app shows the first location. “Shouldn’t we first have breakfast, John? We have 2 hours to get there and it’s only a one-hour drive. I see the fridge is filled with all kinds of tasty things.”
It’s the beginning of a great adventure! While John and Cynthia drive from one location to the other they are constantly surprised by where they go. It turn out that on every location a surprise guest shows up! They meet their kids at the small house the kids grew up. A few hours later they go to the place they first met. They meet the old friends that introduced them to each other. At every location they get a clue which brings them closer to finding the gift.
That evening they enjoy the prepared meal they find in the camper and sleep well on a small camping.
Day 2
The next morning, the app tells them they can have a relaxing morning. They sleep in for a while, have breakfast and decide to go on a morning walk through the beautiful scenery.
At 12:00 they have to be at a familiar place: their best friends house. They enjoy a great lunch and love the always good conversations. The afternoon is filled with small surprises, little twists and laughter with family and friends. They share memories from 20 years of marriage and create new ones at the same time.
At the end of the afternoon John gathers all the clues and still doesn’t have a clue how where to find the gift. Then a message shows up in the app: “Please open the cabinet under the bed”. It’s the beginning of an escaperoom-like experience John and Cynthia dive into. The camper is packed with all kind of little cabinets, hidden messages and puzzles. Combining the clues they got from friends with the elements in the camper leads to a small giftbox.
They can’t wait to open it! In the box they find a beautifully decorated photo album. It contains photo’s of friends and family. Recent photo’s, but also some very old ones from 20 years ago. Every photo contains a paragraph a friend or family wrote. Cynthia reads the stories out loud, while John is driving them home. They regularly have to wipe away a tear. There are so many stories and beautiful memories. They can’t stop looking at it.
Before they know, they arrive home. Their kids are waiting for them in the garden. Cynthia cries with joy. John hugs his kids. “You are awesome guys, thank you so much! This was such a great adventure!”